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Becanex presents new THC crude extract (70% THC) - a promising alternative to dronabinol

Optimised formulation: lower viscosity reduces time and costs for pharmacists - high terpene content promotes the entourage effect
The Berlin-based phytopharmaceutical manufacturer Becanex GmbH is launching a THC cannabis crude extract on the market that enables extended therapy control thanks to the precisely known ratio of THC, CBD and terpenes. With a THC content of 70% and a terpene content of 4%, the extract offers a promising alternative to the active ingredient dronabinol.
Under the name ‘Becanex PIEX 1 70% THC Rohextrakt’ (PZN 195 410 46), the product will be available in packaging units of 50mL from mid-October via specialised wholesalers.
Dried flowers of Cannabis sativa L., which correspond to the Ph. Eur. - Monograph ‘Cannabis Flowers’ and are purchased from qualified suppliers. The specification of the THC crude extract is based on the DAB monograph ‘Adjusted Cannabis Extract’ and fulfils additional microbiological requirements for non-sterile inhaled dosage forms (Ph. Eur. Chapter 5.1.4).
Due to its lower viscosity compared to dronabinol, which is similar in flow behaviour to thick honey, the extract is easier to handle and can be dosed more precisely. There is no need for labour-intensive and small-scale heating as with dronabinol, which noticeably reduces the workload in the pharmacy. The THC crude extract as a dronabinol alternative is suitable for the production of numerous formulations, including adjusted extracts, suppositories, capsules, topical preparations and preparations for inhalation.
In January 2024, Becanex received the manufacturing authorisation in accordance with Section 13 (1) AMG and the GMP certificate in accordance with Art. 111 (5) of Directive 2001/83/EC from the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo) and is registered as an active substance manufacturer in accordance with Section 64 (3g) AMG. Becanex is currently the only manufacturer of pharmaceutical cannabis extracts in Germany. The company produces both crude extracts and discontinued cannabis extracts. A CBD crude extract will also be available soon.
‘We are delighted to be able to supply our first active ingredient to pharmacies. By utilising our one-step extraction technology, we can now transfer our technological lead in extraction to product development. Our aim is to produce extracts with the same ratio of THC to terpenes as the original flower. We have achieved this in a stable manner,’ explains Sebastian Kamphorst, CEO and founder of Becanex.
We would be delighted if you included our press release in your reporting and would be happy to answer any questions or arrange interviews.
Sebastian Kamphorst (Managing Director)
Becanex GmbH
James-Franck-Str. 13
12489 Berlin